About me

[background image taken by yours truly at Pondicherry beach '23 ]

My name is Rohit Subbarayan Chandramouli, or just Rohit [rho-hith] for short! I am from the coastal city of Chennai in India. Now, I am a PhD candidate in the Physics department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am working with Prof. Nicolas Yunes in the Yunes gravity theory group, part of iCASU. I do gravitational wave physics/astrophysics. My work focuses on modeling gravitational waves from astrophysical sources for future ground and space based detectors, (Bayesian) parameter estimation and impact of systematic biases in waveform models for both fundamental physics and astrophysics. Here you can find my CV, recent research and publications, and some art (I am not a professional artist!).