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Short CV / Resume
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Full name: Rohit Subbarayan Chandramouli
2021-2024 Ph.D. in Physics,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Thesis advisor: Prof. Nicolas Yunes
2018-2021 MS in Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (transferred from Montana State University in 2019)
2014-2018 BS in Physics, Shiv Nadar University
Thesis advisor: Prof. Santosh Kumar
Professional Experience
2024-present Postdoctoral Researcher at SISSA, Trieste.
2019-2024 Graduate Teaching/Research assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2018-2019 Graduate Teaching assistant, Montana State University
2017 Summer Research Fellow / student, International center for Theoretical Sciences
2015 Summer Research student, Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Select Awards / Recognition
2023 Dissertation Completion Fellowship awarded by Graduate College at UIUC.
2023 APS DGRAV Travel award.
2022 Scott Anderson award for outstanding graduate assistantship at UIUC.
2021 Spring '21 University Research Fellowship for outstanding recent research accomplishments at UIUC.
2019/20 Excellent teacher recognition by CITL at UIUC.
2017 Fellow of ICTS-SN Bhatt Memorial Fellowship.
Research Interests
Gravitational wave astrophysics and data analysis
Modeling dynamics of compact objects and resulting gravitational waveforms using analytical tools (perturbation theory).
Parameter estimation from compact binary coalescences using Bayesian methods and implications for fundamental physics and astrophysics.
Tests of general relativity and waveform systematics.
Millilensing induced systematic biases in parameterized tests of General Relativity, A. Liu, R. S. Chandramouli, O. A. Hannuksela, N. Yunes, and T. G. F. Li, arXiv:2410.21738.
Systematic biases in parametrized tests of general relativity due to waveform mismodeling: the impact of neglecting spin precession and higher modes, R. S. Chandramouli, K. Prokup, E. Berti, and N. Yunes, arXiv:2410.06254.
DOI link:
A constraint on the dissipative tidal deformability of neutron stars, J.L. Ripley, A. Hegade K.R., R.S. Chandramouli, and N. Yunes, Nat. Astron. (2024)
DOI link:
Ready-to-use Analytic Model for Gravitational Waves from a Hierarchical Triple with Kozai-Lidov Oscillations, R.S. Chandramouli, N. Yunes, Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022)
DOI link:
Electronic transport in chaotic mesoscopic cavities: A Kwant and random matrix theory based exploration, R.S. Chandramouli, R.K. Srivastav, S. Kumar, Chaos 30, 123120 (2020). [Note: paper contains results from my UG thesis.]
DOI link:
Efficient implementation of the Wang-Landau algorithm for systems with length-scalable potential energy functions, S. Kumar, G. Kumar, R.S. Chandramouli, S. Anand, Physical Review E 98, 063301 (2018).
Full CV